Wednesday 18 November 2009

Nano Week 3

I think it's week 3..?

Just a short post to say things are moving, just slowly. Wordcount is out the window. And irrelevant, because I'm not doing NaNoWriMo like all the people who really are striving and hitting wordcounts all over the place. I'm kind of mooching at my own pace, making notes, deciphering the story.

I've stopped taking my laptop out with me to write, and instead I'm filling a notebook with ideas and scenes and timelines and spidergrams and drawings. It feels impossible, and not right for me right now, to be thinking about wordcounts. I am dusting off my idea and seeing where it's going. I'm enjoying the process.


Alex said...

Glad it is going well. Wordcounts I find are pointless for the most part. Have you read any Amelie Nothomb? All her novels are short, like 100 pagesof fairly big font and large page breaks but they are also the most beautiful, and a little weird. Check out 'The Character of Rain' and 'The Life of Hunger' in that order.

All the best,

Christian Bell said...

I gave up on NaNoWriMo after 10 days. 8,200 words were all I could muster. What I was working on was more interconnected stories than a novel. It should provide some decent material for future short stories. Glad to hear that you are still going to some degree.

Teresa Stenson said...

Alex - I haven't read any Amelie Nothomb but I'll look her up - sounds interesting. Thanks for the tip.

Christian - that's good that you got that many words, and that you know you can use them in some way. NaNo is a good push, I wouldn't have started just yet if I hadn't decided to do it, but I think it's important to work in a way that's best for you, especially when you have other committments and things taking up your time. Good luck with however you use your material.