Friday, 25 March 2011


Does anyone know, legally, if it's okay to use a living celebrity in a piece of fiction?

I've written a short story, set in this world, in a very ordinary setting, but a famous person happens to be in it. There's no slander, it's a humorous piece, but I just wonder if there are any laws that say it's not okay to use a living famous person as a character.

Anyone have any ideas?

*Later... I emailed the organisers of the competition I'm sending my story to and they are fine with it. Sac magique! Good to know. *

Friday, 18 March 2011

I knew this woman who fell in love

originally published in hum-drum Magazine a few years ago, it's a very short story with 2 picture accompaniments. Click here, or on the tab up there, to read it.

Thursday, 17 March 2011

oh look it looks so new!

So I've just spent a bit of time making the blog look new, and then I've added links to some old stuff - up there - those 'tabs' that say 'But in the voice (short film)' and 'Ball Wall' - take a look if you like if you will...

'But in the voice' is a short film based on a story I wrote a few years ago and features a spider and the voice of Peter O'Toole*, and me.

'Ball Wall' is one of the first very short stories I wrote and felt good about writing. Both stories appeared in hum-drum Magazine 2007-2008.

I just thought it'd be nice to have them here on my blogsite.

But looking forwards...

I haven't been blogging so much but I have been writing. My picture book / illustrated book / I-don't-want-to-categorise-you-yet-book is developing and I can feel myself getting closer to putting the bottle of Sancerre Mario bought for me at Christmas in the fridge ready for the 'I've written something longer than a short story!' moment which is its purpose.

Resisting the urge to start looking at agents/publishers until it's written. Blocking out the usual cries of advice to 'know your market!' - going with the flow and writing it first.

*voice of Peter O'Toole done brilliantly by me friend and movie maker Miles Watts