Published on a day when I'm making 3 train journeys - spooky.
Heading into town now to buy Writers' Forum - my contributor's copy hasn't arrived yet, but I want to see it - especially seeing as I've had a few text messages from my brothers saying they've seen it. I'm impatient.
I spent last night with one of my best friends, drinking wine and watching the film we watched pretty much on repeat as teenagers.

Still awesome! (yeah, I said awesome...)
I just left a comment at The Pygmy Giant but realised it would probably be best here. It read...
"Wow Teresa, that was heartbreaking. How do you always do that?"
I loved that story.
Alex - that means a lot because, as I mentionned to you, I was unsure of how I felt about it, and if it was good enough. Thanks so much.
It is definitely good enough, one of my favorites of yours. I have an old story knocking around with a simular theme which will now remain hidden in an old notebook.
Can't wait to read some more from you.
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