Click on it and peel the pages. I'm muchos happy to have my story I don't know her name, I want it to be Nerissa right there 'pon page 5. 'Blogging World' friends Jessica Patient and Nik Perring also have pieces in there. And check out the photographs of Chicago by Bliss Braoudakis.
Today has been full, in a very good way. It's one of my days off work and, by contrast, I spent last Monday lolling and laying about on the sofa delicately holding my forehead and vowing never to drink again. You see last Monday, I was very annoyed at myself for 'losing' a day off to having one too many Sunday night drinks after a weekend of long shifts. Excessive tiredness + excessive wine = NO, Teresa, NO!
So, this Monday morning, fresh and rested, I wrote a list of things I'd like to/need to do today:

They're in no particular order - a sort of brainstorm - but I've not-on-purpose seperated 'household/boring' into its own category on the left, and 'creative/fun' on the right. But - how did 'run' end up in creative/fun? Odd brain.
So you can see I've ticked quite a few off - and let me add that 'train station - tickets' took a lot of time, a lot of queueing, a lot of giving people who were taking ages to sort their journeys out evil looks as they left. Then I took ages to sort my own journey out. Kept my shamed eyes to the floor as I exited past the long, long queue of people still waiting.
Also, 'casserole' was very time consuming because I've put shallots in it and had to peel each and every one.
Importantly, the 'free-writing/creative' part was done before anything else, and involved me unearthing and taking an old notebook (c2006) to a cafe this morning and reading through to see what amazing gems of writing I've written but forgot about. Ahem. I did find two ideas that I like and am working on turning into something.
So - what's left- I've blogged about Tomlit - check.
I'm not ready to edit after the cat (a short story).
'Reading/mslexia/relax' - hmmm, well I'm relaxing now:

- possibly un-doing any good I did with 'run'.
Thank you for blogging about Tomlit. I'm so happy people are reacting well to it.
Hope you had a good day,
No problem, Alex, glad it's going well.
You're awesome.
Ah, because you are a prolific list-writer yourself, are you not?
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