I thought I'd share a few images from the last week. Christmas was okay - different without Mum, sadder, more emotional. I didn't feel Christmassy, but I had some nice experiences with Mario's family and my own.
There was also one traumatic experience; we went for a walk on Christmas Day and saw a man jump off a bridge into the (mainly frozen) river. The five minutes it took for the emergency services to get there were awful, frightening and surreal. He was okay, saved. Thankfully. It took a while to get over the feelings it conjured in a such a short space of time, made more intense because Mario wanted to jump in and help him, and I had to hold him back. There were other families around too, and maybe the oddest part of it was the silence, at first, no one spoke, apart from to call 999, I guess we were in shock. But he is out, and saved, and getting help and attention. The rescue response was amazing, how lucky we are to able to dial a number and help comes as fast as it can.
I'll write a post in the next few days that is writing-orientated, I imagine they'll be a list of resolutions and maybe some reflecting on the writing year that's passed. For now, I'll share a few photos.
East meets west:
not really, but this photo epitomises the cultural leanings of the Teresa/Mario household - my contribution: pickled onions and sausages on sticks. Mario brings dolmades (stuffed vineleaves). I love both.
not really, but this photo epitomises the cultural leanings of the Teresa/Mario household - my contribution: pickled onions and sausages on sticks. Mario brings dolmades (stuffed vineleaves). I love both.

Our mini disco tree, looks good with sausages and pickles a-top.

The lights and the star are up all year round, but they take on a Christmas vibe at Christmas.

I had some lovely presents, but I can't stop admiring my new slipper boots sent from Australia from Mario's sister. Now you can too.

Love the British hedgehog (that's what we called food on sticks stuck into an orange?) alongside the dolmades.
I like this time too. Deciding what to do with a whole new year with all the promises and surprises it will hold. Have a good one.
Nice spread! My kind of cocktails!
Can't get a decent pickled onion here! Love vinegar sandwiches, too!
Well, you were in the right place on Christmas Day - aside from the utter fear and the irrationality of the act you witnessed, you got to help someone who really needed to be helped.
It must have been hard for you this year. Hugs.
Love the slipper boots! Nowt like rocking in yer stockings!
I hope the New Year brings you heaps more success, you deserve it!
Hi Lynne - yea - a British Hedgehog, I've never heard the expression but I like it. The turning of the year is always exciting, a good catalyst for good changes. Hope you had a nice new year, and looking forward to reading about your writing successes and processes for 2011.
Hey Rachel - vinegar sandwiches??? Just vinegar??? But then I do like dipping bread in balsamic vinegar so I guess it's the same... I love pickled onions too. I like pickled onion sandwiches. There is a pickled element to this comment...
I'm sure 2011 will bring you more joy from your little boy (nice) and your family, and your creative views and poems and paintings and writings, and I will read all about them on your snowlike blog.
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