Nik did this a while ago, and in the hope of it making me feel like I'm in the pages of Hello Magazine I'm doing the same.
So, we begin with
My Shelves
(my corner is mainly made up of these shelves and a desk)
My Shelves
(my corner is mainly made up of these shelves and a desk)

Let's zoom in to an item or two
such as This David Lynch Quote
(which I like because I think it applies to writing as well as film making)

Hey! What's this?
A Corner Of A Shelf In My Corner Which Houses The Books And Magazines I've Been Published in
(this is good for morale)

Hang on! This isn't in your corner!
Chaise Longue
(in the living room and not in my corner, but it's the most writerly thing I own, except maybe a pen)

Wine And Crisps
(not always there but by god the day's a good un when they are)

A Corner Of A Shelf In My Corner Which Houses The Books And Magazines I've Been Published in
(this is good for morale)

Hang on! This isn't in your corner!
Chaise Longue
(in the living room and not in my corner, but it's the most writerly thing I own, except maybe a pen)

Wine And Crisps
(not always there but by god the day's a good un when they are)

Brilliant! Love it! But the important question is: what flavour are them there crisps?
I love the Lynch quote; must be applicable to all art, I'd have said. It's the space between text and reader that the story grows in...
Yes, you're right - it must be applicable to all art. I use it to remind me to write the sentences and the stories that I feel good about, rather than the things I think I should write.
The crisps - hm, well, I can't remember because they're not on my desk today, they might be salt and vinegar. They could be any un-cheesey flavour. Terese does not like cheese.
It would be funny if the examples of things you've been published in were all erotic fiction and magazines. "Ah, my article for 'Big & Busty',,,"
Or something.
I have an office, but it is at work. Its still where I do all my writing though. I don't do any 'work' work.
Where do you get your pens from and is there a favourite colour you use?
But a special sub-genre of erotica all set in Doncaster...
I get my pens from "Pauline's Pens" and my favourite colour is "any".
"Her breasts were as round and firm as the central glass hemisphere at the Doncaster Dome, her skin as smooth as the unique up-hill ice skating rink."
I'm with you on the anti-cheese front. And DEFO with you on writing what you enjoy and not what you ought to; it's got to be fun to be fresh, otherwise it ends up being shit and wrong-shaped (not unlike cheese, interestingly ;) ).
N :)
"It almost felt as nice as going down the yellow flume."
Sorry Nik - you just got sandwiched between location-specific erotica...
Ha ha ha! I'm saying nothing. Yellow flumes, eh? ;)
Yeah, boo to cheese!
And oh dear, and my 'yellow flume' metaphor sounds like an awful euphenism when it's actually referring to the faster of the 2 water slides at Doncaster Dome.
'Only for the brave.' I got a nose bleed from that one once. Hang on, you sure it wasn't the pink one that was more violent?
Nice! I love these kinds of posts.
I love seeing how many of the same books I have as other people :D
And that's an impressive shelf of published work!
Howser - I always thought it was the yellow one... maybe it depended which coastguard was on? Or lifeguard.
Sophie - thanks :) and yeah, whenever I see a shelf in a photo I'm scanning it to see what books I have too. Makes me feel cleverer.
Oh, I thought you had the Chaise Longue in your corner. The David Lynch quote really is good, since it applies to all the things we do in life. And the fact that you have things to make you happy in your office is a good way to be productive.
Blake Mitchell
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