Friday 9 March 2012

people who turn the corners of books down...

I don't mind that at all. I like it. Makes the book feel read and alive.

(I don't have time to do a fuller blog post, so I just thought I'd be provocative then pop away again.)


Anonymous said...

I concur. :)

Rachel Fenton said...


I like turning corners. Also, I like the self-referential observation in Philip Hensher's "The Northern Clemency", about how the more you read a fat book, the bigger it grows and the less of it you appear to have read - was feeling that as I read his tombstone of a book!

Sam Robinson said...

Books are like temples - let them decay with dignity but don't hasten the process. I even feel squeamish when my e-reader puts a wee triangle to bookmark the page.

Sam Robinson said...
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Teresa Stenson said...

Yeah! Nik and Rachel are with me! Woop!

(We all do high-fives over Sam's head.)